11 foods to avoid before bedtime

11 foods to avoid before bedtime

For those experiencing trouble sleeping, it might not be just excess screen time or stress causing problems. Some things as simple as what one chooses to eat right before heading to bed may be affecting one’s circadian rhythm. There are several foods that are popular for providing comfort, but these very items may be preventing one from a restful sleep. Thus, here are some of the common foods to avoid before bedtime. Coffee The high percentage of caffeine in coffee makes it one of the worst foods one can have before bed. Caffeine is a well-known stimulating substance that excites the central nervous system, even several hours after consuming it. The effects can last from 8 to 14 hours, making one stay awake. So before drinking a cup of coffee, make sure to keep the bedtime in mind. The best time to have coffee or any caffeinated beverage is at least 8 hours before going to sleep. Potato chips Having a comfort snack such as potato chips right before going to bed may seem to make one feel relaxed. However, as much as this snack may produce some serotonin in the brain, it may end up disrupting sleep. This is because potato chips have a high amount of unhealthy fats and sodium. These not only increase blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure levels, but also cause indigestion and acid reflux. All of these factors can affect one’s sleep cycle. Donuts If those sweet cravings hit before bedtime, donuts would be the worst choice to satiate them. These are full of fats and sugar. The high amount of sugar can spike up the blood glucose level, leading to a sudden energy crash right before one hits the bed. This can disrupt sleep patterns. Also, the excess fats in the donuts can cause issues with the digestive system, making one stay awake at night.
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7 warning signs of poor blood circulation

7 warning signs of poor blood circulation

An existing condition or a problem in the circulatory system can result in poor blood circulation. This disrupts the supply of nutrients and oxygen to various parts of the body. When vital organs do not get enough blood, they may be unable to function normally, leading to various health issues. This is why it is important to keep an eye out for the warning signs of poor blood circulation and seek treatment to prevent complications. Warning signs 1. Numbness This is one of the key warning signs of poor circulation. The restricted blood flow leads to inadequate oxygen and nutrient supply to the extremities, leading to such complications. Here, one may experience numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and feet. This feeling can also be described as pins and needles or a prickling sensation. 2. Swelling Poor blood circulation can lead to blood clots, resulting in blood accumulation in the region and blockage in blood vessels. The clots are a warning sign of another condition called DVT (deep vein thrombosis), which often develops in the lower leg but can also affect the arms and the belly. Here, even when the clot is gone, one may experience pain in the area and swelling due to the damaged blood vessel under the skin. Additionally, poor circulation can result in fluid buildup in the legs, called edema. With this, one may experience swelling in the feet, ankles, and legs. Further, the affected part might feel tight and difficult to move. One should consult a doctor upon noticing any swelling. 3. Muscle cramps This is another common sign of poor blood circulation. Muscle cramps can develop during exercise. However, when one experiences frequent muscle cramps without any apparent reason, then it could be a sign of persistently poor blood circulation. Cramps usually develop in the legs and tend to worsen while walking as the legs are unable to get enough oxygenated blood.
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18 early warning signs of leukemia

18 early warning signs of leukemia

Leukemia refers to a type of cancer developing in the blood-forming tissues of the body. Statistical reports suggest that one person is diagnosed with leukemia approximately every three minutes in the country. There exist different types of leukemia, including acute lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoblastic leukemia, and acute myeloid leukemia. Acute lymphocytic leukemia is the most common of these types. Here are some early warning leukemia symptoms one should recognize early to facilitate timely diagnosis and intervention: Early signs and symptoms of leukemia Frequent infections The white blood cells of the body play a vital role in preventing infections. Since leukemia involves the excess production of abnormal white blood cells, the body cannot fight infections, causing patients to experience frequent infections. Fever and chills The infections prevalent among those with leukemia may lead to fever and chills, which may persist for extended periods and rise to 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Swelling of lymph nodes The accumulation of clusters of cancer cells that have spread from the bone marrow to the lymph nodes may cause lymph nodes to swell up among patients with leukemia. Recurrent nosebleeds The body typically produces fewer platelets when grappling with leukemia; therefore, the condition increases one’s risk of frequent nosebleeds. Increased susceptibility to bruises Leukemia reduces the body’s ability to form blood clots, which can cause bruises easily, even with minor injuries. Often, these bruises form in unusual parts of the body, such as the back. Rashes and skin inflammation This condition weakens the body’s immune system considerably, increasing one’s frequency of skin infections, including rashes, itching, and redness. Sharp, persistent pain Individuals with leukemia may experience sharp, lingering bone pain and tenderness or shooting pain below the ribs on the left side of the body. While bone pain is caused by the build-up of leukemia cells in the bone marrow, pain below the left ribs indicates spleen enlargement due to the spread of these abnormal cells to this area.
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11 home remedies to cure a nose blockage

11 home remedies to cure a nose blockage

Nose blockage is a common symptom experienced, especially during the cold and flu season. Several factors, like viral infections, environmental irritants, food sensitivities, or allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold, and pet hair, can cause a runny nose. The condition is often curable, and the right treatments and home remedies can help relieve one from the uncomfortable symptoms within a few days. Here are some tried-and-tested natural remedies that alleviate nose blockage and promote quick recovery. Try facial steam Steam inhalation is one of the oldest and most effective home remedies for relieving nose blockage. The warm, moist air helps open nasal passages, reduce congestion, and soothe irritated nasal membranes. Additionally, it does not use any ingredients except water, so it is one of the safest methods for quick relief from nasal congestion. To try this, boil a pot of water, lean over the bowl with a towel draped over one’s head, and inhale the steam for about 10-15 minutes. One should be careful not to get too close to the bowl to prevent burns. Using a steamer is another option. Add moisture to the air Nasal congestion causes dryness in the nasal passages, leading to inflammation, discomfort, and difficulty draining the mucus. Utilizing a humidifier or cool-mist vaporizer can be an effective remedy for this. When one breathes in air infused with moisture, it can soothe the irritated membranes, promote easier breathing, and improve respiratory comfort. Warm-mist humidifiers provide heated moisture, while cool-mist vaporizers disperse room-temperature moisture. The latter is often recommended for children due to safety concerns related to hot steam. Consider saline nasal rinse Saline nasal rinses are a simple yet highly effective method for clearing mucus and allergens from the nasal passages. One can use a store-bought saline rinse or make one’s own by dissolving half a teaspoon of iodide-free salt in a cup of warm distilled water.
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Top 11 foods that may help relieve heartburn

Top 11 foods that may help relieve heartburn

Gastric acid is naturally produced in the stomach to help break down food. Heartburn and acid reflux occur when this acid backs up into one’s esophagus, which is a tube that carries the food down. Heartburn is a common phenomenon that can get triggered due to various reasons like overeating, sleeping right after having meals, or eating spicy foods. The first line of defense for it is making changes to one’s food regime. Foods that help relieve heartburn Bananas Bananas are one of the most highly nutritious and versatile foods in recipes. They are alkaline or non-acidic in nature and are known to neutralize the stomach acids. Bananas also layer one’s esophagus lining and enable the easy passage of food from the pipe, reducing friction and irritation. The pectin fiber found in this fruit can also help one to feel full for a longer time. Apart from bananas, there are several other alkaline foods that help suppress the stomach acids. Some commonly found in the market include cauliflower, fennel seeds, and melons. Salmon Fish like salmon are a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain lower levels of unhealthy fats and are easy to digest, making them a good choice for heartburn. Some other seafood options best for acid reflux include tuna and white fish like Mahi-Mahi, halibut, or tilapia. High-fiber foods Fiber is found in most whole grains like brown rice or wild rice, quinoa, and oats as well as certain vegetables like asparagus, broccoli and green beans. Fiber-rich foods make one feel full for a long time, which helps avoid overeating and lower the risk of heartburn. Fiber also takes a longer time to digest and is known to absorb the excess acid in the stomach. Moreover, one should drink more water throughout the day when including fibrous foods in their daily meals since the nutrient requires fluids to digest well.
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X-ray imaging equipment – Cost, benefits, types, and more

X-ray imaging equipment – Cost, benefits, types, and more

Efficient and accurate clinical diagnostics tools are crucial in the field of healthcare. Clinical X-ray imaging equipment has become an indispensable tool for diagnostics, and it’s hard to imagine the healthcare industry moving forward without it. However, purchasing orthopedic radiology X-ray imaging equipment can be overwhelming due to the wide range of machines available in the market. To simplify the process, here’s some key information related to X-ray imaging equipment: Cost of clinical X-ray imaging equipment X-ray machines involve several technologically advanced components to provide not just accurate image quality but also multiple dimensions of an image. These components make diagnosing complex health conditions like cancer and bone injuries much faster and simpler for healthcare professionals. A fast and accurate diagnosis of any disease is useful to treat ailing clients quickly in a hospital. This means that clinical X-ray imaging equipment can be incredibly expensive to buy. Prices generally start at around $35,000 and tend to go up to $200,000 and more. The most expensive systems offer the fastest image processing times, making clinical diagnostics lightning-fast for doctors and patients. Benefits of X-ray imaging equipment Some of the main benefits of using X-ray imaging equipment are: A quick identification of joint changes or damage A quick and accurate diagnosis of cancer in patients These machines are useful for performing accurate dental checks Doctors can use X-ray imaging equipment to diagnose microscopic injuries in athletes Types of X-ray machines There are a plethora of options to choose from. Fixed X-ray machines As their name implies, these machines are confined to a single room in a hospital. Patients are taken to the room for clinical imaging and diagnostics. Once inside, patients are placed or held in positions in such a way that accurately capturing their internal images becomes easy. Fixed X-ray systems rely on large transformers that need to be built inside the walls of an X-ray room.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Kidney Health

Foods to Eat and Avoid for Optimal Kidney Health

Kidneys help filter waste from the blood and dispose of it off the body via urine. They also help balance the electrolyte and fluid levels in the body. But, conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes may intervene with their ability to work as required. Furthermore, damage to the kidney might also result in chronic kidney disease. Hence making changes in your meal plan is a vital aspect of treatment. You can prevent damage to these organs by following a kidney-healthy meal plan. Below, we will address some foods to eat and avoid for better kidney health. Foods to eat Cauliflower Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable. It’s an excellent source of folate, Vitamins B, K, and C. It’s rich in anti-inflammatory compounds like indoles, a fiber source. In addition, you can use mashed cauliflower as a replacement for potatoes. For example, a cup of cooked cauliflower has 40 mg of phosphorous, 176 mg of potassium, and 19 mg of sodium. Sweet potatoes They are relatively similar to white potatoes but have more fiber content, resulting in them breaking down more gradually. Hence, you will experience a less spike in insulin levels. Sweet potatoes are also rich in vitamins and minerals like potassium that help balance the sodium levels in the body and lower their impact on the kidneys. But, since sweet potatoes have a high potassium content, people on dialysis or those with CKD should curtail the intake of this vegetable. Red bell peppers They are rich in flavor and low in potassium, but that is not the sole reason they are considered a hit among people with kidney disease . Red bell peppers have Vitamin C and A sources and are also high in fiber, folic acid, and B6 vitamin content. In addition, red bell peppers are also suitable because they have lycopene, an antioxidant that shields against some cancers.
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Top Foods for Managing Macular Degeneration

Top Foods for Managing Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss in people over 60. Presently, it affects over 10 million people in the country. As one gets older, the risk of developing the condition increases, and so those over 75 have a nearly 33% risk of being diagnosed with macular degeneration. While the disease does not have a permanent cure, a few treatment options and the following nutrient-rich foods can help one manage the symptoms. Whole grains, beans, and dairy Zinc is a vital mineral that helps in the absorption of vitamin A, which aids in melanin production, a pigment that protects the eye. This is why most sight-related issues, such as cataracts or poor night sight, are related to zinc deficiency. Research suggests those with high AMD risk can slow the progression of the disease by adding zinc and some antioxidants to their daily meals. Some great zinc sources are whole grains, dairy products, and beans. Even though one can find zinc supplements in the market, the products might intervene with the body’s ability to absorb copper. So, if one meets their daily zinc requirements via supplements, they opt for copper supplements too. However, before introducing such changes to one’s meal plans, one must discuss them with a nutritionist or a doctor. Nuts and seeds Omega-3 fatty acids provide the body with the nourishment to combat inflammation and are great for eye health. A few excellent omega-3 sources are flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, flaxseed oil, soybean oil, and canola oil. These foods can help lower bad cholesterol in the body, typically associated with increasing the risk of macular degeneration. Oranges Folate is a B vitamin and aids in cell replication. People who have a substantial folate intake show signs of slow eye disease progression. One can meet the body’s folate requirements by choosing foods like peanuts, orange juice, oranges, Brussels Sprouts, black-eyed peas, grains, and spinach.
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Top 6 Liquid Detergents for Seniors

Top 6 Liquid Detergents for Seniors

If you’re like most people, doing laundry is presumably not your preferred chore. It’s time-consuming and often requires multiple steps. However, one way to make laundry easier is to use a liquid detergent designed specifically for seniors. Liquid laundry detergents are becoming increasingly popular because they are easy to use and can be stored conveniently. They are less likely to cause skin irritation than powder detergents. Below are the top six liquid detergents for seniors. Benefits of using liquid detergents Liquid detergents are an excellent choice for many reasons. Liquid detergents work better than powders because they can penetrate the fabric more efficiently and remove dirt, dust, and stains from the fabric’s surface. They also have a low environmental impact because they do not contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment. Liquid detergents are also easy to use. You must pour them into your washing machine and wash your clothes. And if you want to save the detergent; liquid detergents come in bottles that allow you to measure how much soap is needed per load. Most liquid detergents are biodegradable, which reduces waste disposal costs and helps protect our environment. Finally, liquid detergents leave your clothes feeling soft and silky after washing them. This is because they dissolve water-soluble fibers in the fabric, which causes them to be drawn out by the washer’s spin cycle. Why should seniors choose their liquid detergents carefully? Our skin becomes sensitive and prone to dryness and irritation as we age. That’s why choosing a liquid detergent designed for seniors is crucial. Look for one that is hypoallergenic and free of fragrances, dyes, and other harsh chemicals. A good senior-friendly liquid detergent will keep your skin clean and refreshed. Top 6 senior-friendly liquid detergents Charlie’s soap natural liquid laundry detergent It is a safe, effective, and affordable option for those seeking an alternative to conventional laundry detergents.
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10 Amazing Laundry Detergents For Daily Needs

10 Amazing Laundry Detergents For Daily Needs

Laundry is an essential daily routine task, which can sometimes get tiresome. With a suitable laundry detergent, your clothes will come clean and smell fresh. Moreover, your laundry detergent should be practical and cruelty-free. To make your purchasing decision easier, here is a list of the top ten highly efficient laundry detergent options and their highlighting features. So, if you want to make your daily laundry tasks easier, read on. Method 8X laundry detergent There are a lot of laundry detergents on the market these days, and it can take a lot of work to single out the right for you. If you’re looking for a highly efficient option, Method 8X laundry detergent is a great choice. This detergent comes in a pump bottle, and it’s able to handle 50 loads of laundry. It’s also very affordable, costing just $14.58 for 20 fl oz. Additionally, it is allergen-free. This ultra-concentrated (8x) formula is plant-based and cruelty-free, making it an excellent choice among eco-friendly options. Moreover, the smart-clean technology ensures that your clothes come out clean and fresh with every wash. Earth Breeze eco sheets This detergent is made with natural ingredients and is available for $20 for 60 loads of laundry. It comes in a convenient 2-pack to clean your clothes without spending too much money. And if that’s not enough, it also has certified organic status, meaning its ingredients are sourced from plants that are certified organic by an accredited body. These sheets are made with phosphate-free and biodegradable ingredients, so you can feel good about using them without harming the planet. This detergent is safe for machine and hand washing, making it an excellent option for anyone who wants to avoid harsh chemicals. They are also paraben-free, making them a perfect choice for sensitive skin. Additionally, they’re highly efficient in removing the toughest stains from all kinds of fabrics, meaning you’ll use less detergent overall and save money in the long run.
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11 Practical Tips For Managing Anxiety

11 Practical Tips For Managing Anxiety

Have you experienced your heart racing faster as a response to a stressful situation? Did your palms ever get clammy when confronted with an overwhelming event or task? These are all typical symptoms of anxiety. It is your body’s natural response to stress and gets triggered by an event, a memory, or by a multitude of things in general. It is essential to identify your triggers and seek ways to cope with or manage anxiety. 11 tried and tested ways to manage anxiety Practice deep breathing Deep breathing increases the supply of oxygen to the brain and helps calm the system down. So, if you feel yourself becoming tense, inhale and exhale multiple times, and you will feel relaxed. It is an excellent activity to slow down and recenter your mind. Write down your thoughts Maintaining a journal to regularly jot your thoughts on paper or in the notes app can help you process your emotions. It also paradoxically eases anxiety. When you dump the thoughts hovering in your head on the paper, you can string them apart and try and get a new perspective. It is known as cognitive defusion, wherein you develop an observer or witness perspective for your thoughts. From the mindfulness perspective, it is decentering, a skill vital for change. It also helps better your meta-cognition skills, which helps with cognitive flexibility, quintessential for mental fitness. Repeat it till you overcome it Do you have a fear of going on the stage? You may be able to get rid of it if you continually push yourself. So, go on the stage repeatedly and perform. Of course, you will be very anxious at first, but over time it will reduce and stop bothering you eventually. So, take the troublesome route and do it over and over again.
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Key Things to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Key Things to Know Before Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular among those looking to replace missing teeth. These implants are strong and durable and look just like natural teeth. Moreover, the procedure is simple. If you, too, are considering dental implants, it is essential to know all the facts before making an appointment with the dentist. This article discusses a few essential things you need to know about implants, from their types to the benefits they offer. What are dental implants? These are artificial teeth recommended for those with missing or damaged original teeth. The implants are affixed by dentists using a few tools. The look-alikes are made using biocompatible materials, such as titanium or zirconia, which blend with the bone over time. Dental implants are a long-term solution for replacing teeth. They are often considered the best option for people who cannot restore their teeth function using traditional methods, such as dentures or bridges. However, implants may need to be replaced if they wear down or are moved out of position due to chewing or dental issues. What are the steps involved in affixing dental implants? When considering dental implants, it is essential to understand the steps involved in the process. Dental surgery is complex and delicate and requires careful planning and execution. Here are the steps to be followed: Evaluation During this stage, your dentist will evaluate your teeth and determine which type of implant best suits you. This includes taking X-rays and performing a physical examination. Teeth extraction If necessary, the doctor will remove all your teeth before beginning the implant process. This is necessary to ensure no debris or other objects get in the way of implant placement. Grating After your teeth have been extracted, the dentist will use a special grater to create tiny grooves in each tooth surface.
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