9 signs of liver damage one should not ignore
The liver is a vital organ that helps the body store fat-soluble vitamins and regulate cholesterol levels. Some of the other functions it performs are contributing to the synthesis of clotting factors and protein in the body and filtering the blood. Any damage to the organ can disrupt these key functions, resulting in various issues throughout the body that require immediate treatment. So, here are a few signs of liver damage one should not ignore: 1. Yellow skin and eyes The body produces a substance called bilirubin, which gives bile its yellow color. A healthy liver is able to get rid of excess bilirubin and keep its levels in check. However, with liver damage, the build-up of bilirubin in the blood can give the skin and eyes a yellow tint, which is also called jaundice. 2. Blood in vomit When dealing with a condition called liver cirrhosis, one may experience symptoms like vomiting blood. The condition initially causes loss of appetite, nausea, and itchy skin, gradually leading to vomiting of blood when left unchecked. This symptom can indicate a liver problem that requires medical intervention. 3. Dark urine The buildup of bilirubin in the body brought on by liver damage is responsible for another sign, i.e., changes in the color of urine. One may notice dark orange, amber, cola-colored, or brown urine as a possible sign of damage in the liver. This color change indicates that the organ is unable to perform its function and filter out harmful substances from the body. 4. Frequent bruising When dealing with an injury, the body needs proteins to recover in a timely manner. However, an unhealthy or damaged liver can lead to frequent bruising and bleeding in the body, as the organ is unable to produce the proteins needed for clotting blood. So, after an injury, the blood pools under the skin and causes bruises, which can be blue, black, brown, or purple in color.
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