7 viral infections and their associated warning signs
A virus invades living, normal cells and uses them to multiply, leading to a viral infection. Someone who has a viral infection may notice various signs and symptoms that might be similar to a bacterial infection. However, mistaking the signs for another illness could interfere with its associated treatment plan. Therefore, one must be mindful of the early warning signs of viral infections, seek a professional opinion, and take the necessary steps to fight viruses.
Here are some common viral infections and their associated symptoms:
1. Common cold
The common warning signs of a common cold include a runny nose, red eyes, fatigue, a fever, a cough, and a hoarse voice. An individual might get the infection when a virus enters the respiratory system. This might occur when the person touches an infected surface, such as a grab rail or table, or shakes hands with another individual who is ill. This will spread the viral infection if the individual touches their nose, eyes, or mouth. This illness is one of many upper respiratory infections that a person may experience. Other infections in this region with similar signs include epiglottitis, pharyngitis (sore throat), sinusitis, and laryngitis.
2. Viral gastroenteritis
Some people might contract an intestinal infection called viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu). An individual might develop the infection by coming into contact with an infected person or consuming contaminated water or food. Common symptoms of the viral infection include stomach cramps, nausea, watery diarrhea, and fever. The signs may last a day or two, but some people might experience the condition for up to 14 days. People with a healthy immune system may recover without complications, but those with weaker immunity might experience severe effects of the stomach flu. Therefore, adults should speak to a healthcare expert if they cannot keep liquids down for 24 hours, are vomiting blood, or notice blood in their bowel movements.